Succomber à l’impact, 2012
Théâtre Desjardins, Cégep André Laurendeau. Intégration de l’art à l’architecture
Une vrille composée de douze panneaux de verre clair fissuré montés dans une structure d’acier inoxydable, 19 ¾ pouces (501mm) en diamètre et 13’7″ (4140mm)de haut, suspendue dans le centre de la cage d’escalier.
Title of artwork: Succomber à l’impact (yield to the impact) 2012
Dimensions: 19 ¾ ” (501mm) diameter x 13’7″ (4140mm) high
For the addition of a new wing of the Desjardins Theatre, André Laurendeau college in Montreal commissioned Eric Sauvé to create a hanging sculpture for the lobby.
With Succomber à l’impact, the artist aimed to create a work of dramatic intensity and wonder, that captures and feeds the excitement of spectators gathering before a show, and that brings a sense of movement to the stairwell with the play of refracted light in its spiralling shattered surfaces.
The fractured glass panels are part of the artist’s ongoing exploration of the unpredictable process of creating through destruction, and the ambiguities of the aftermath.
Each point of impact suggests a moment of drama or passion. The energy radiates outward, like a performer’s effect on an audience. The visual vestiges of the physical impact becomes an allegory for the emotional impact of performance.
lien: art publcMontréal